
PAC Meeting

Multi-Purpose Room

Christmas Basket Raffle

PAC Christmas Basket fundraiser is back again this year! Each class will collect items to go into a themed basket. Tickets will be sold at both Winter Concerts. Please see list attached of each classroom teacher and theme being collected.

Spirit Assembly

Presentations by: Div. 8 Wilcox & Div. 10 Moynihan - drum presentation from staff and Timberwolves of the Month

PAC Winter Market

Tables: Adults $30 & Kids $10 Contact:

Last day to order Purdy’s

Our CHRISTMAS PURDYS sales are open! Order Deadline: DEC 1st Order P/U: Outside the school on *Friday Dec 13th 1:45PM- 2:45 PM* Remaining orders: P/U in office Dec 16th-18th

Winter Concert

Our Winter Concerts will take place on Thursday, Dec. 12th at 9:15am and 12:45pm. All classes perform at both concerts. Both concerts will be the same. We ask that you attend just one concert in order for us to accommodate everyone.

Great Kindness Challenge Week

For our third year in a row, Cedar Elementary School will join the worldwide initiative from Jan. 27th – 31st. It is one week devoted to acknowledging and performing acts of kindness, both big and small. Watch for more info. in the coming weeks.